Products Center

Formic Acid

Product Description :

Chinese name: Formic acid; Formic acid

English name: Formic acid

Alias: Methanoic acid

Molecular Structure: image

Molecular formula: CH2O2

Molecular weight: 46.03

CAS login number: 64-18-6

Melting point: 8ºC

Boiling point: 101ºC

Water soluble: MISCIBLE

Refractive index: 1.3701-1.3721

Flash point: 69ºC

Density: 1.22




Product Details

Property description: Colorless smoke flammable liquid, with a strong pungent smell. Spontaneous combustion point 601℃, surface tension 37.58mN/m (20℃), viscosity 1.784mPa·s (20℃), critical temperature 308℃, critical pressure 7.04MPa. Can be miscible with water, ethanol, ether, glycerol, slightly soluble in benzene. It is a strong acid and a strong reducing agent. Above 160℃, it decomposes into carbon dioxide and hydrogen. Heat with concentrated sulfuric acid breaks down carbon monoxide.

Storage: Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse. Keep away from fire and heat. The temperature of the storage room should not exceed 30℃, and the relative humidity should not exceed 85%. Keep the container airtight. It should be stored separately from oxidizer, alkali and active metal powder, and should not be mixed. Equipped with the corresponding variety and quantity of fire equipment. The storage area should be equipped with leak emergency treatment equipment and suitable holding materials.

Product application: Formic acid is one of the basic organic chemical raw materials, widely used in pesticide, leather, dye, medicine and rubber industries. Formic acid can be directly used in fabric processing, tanning leather, textile printing and dyeing and green feed storage, also can be used as metal surface treatment agent, rubber assistant and industrial solvent. In organic synthesis, it is used to synthesize various formates, acridine dyes and formamide series of medical intermediates.

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